Wednesday, November 30, 2011

WIP - I Won!

It's Wednesday and time to report on my progress!

I'm happy to announce that on Sunday, the 27th I hit 50,020 words and officially won NaNoWriMo!

I'm not finished with the story of KleoS, but I am happy that I've made a huge dent in it! I'm hoping to finish the story in the next week, two at the latest.

After that, I'll put it away for a month or so before I start tackling the editing process. It's what I did with Transformation and it makes reading it for the first time a much more realistic experience. It's amazing what you can forget about the plot after only a month, even if you're the one who wrote it.

The plot line has taken a huge turn from what I had originally planned, but I'm really liking where the story is going. I even have ideas for a sequel, which was definitely not planned when I started. To me, that is the greatest part about writing, watching the story come alive. I can't wait to see how KleoS ends.

Maybe by next week I'll even have a synopsis written so I can share it with you all. I think that will be a goal for me. Until then, Happy Writing!

1 comment:

    You rock!
    You totally schooled me this year in NaNo

    Can't wait to read the synopsis... and kleoS!
