Friday, July 29, 2011

New Schedule

I started my blog in May and I was unsure of where I wanted this to take me. My whole experience with the writing world was new and scary and I used this blog as a bit of comfort as I tackled this thing called writing.

It helped.

It was wonderful to have a place to come and work through my difficulties and frustrations and it has helped to encourage me to keep writing. When you have a goal to talk about how much you'd progressed once a week you better believe you're gonna make sure you have something new to report each week.

The blog was new and a little overwhelming, but now I'm ready to take on a little more. In order to do that, I am going to re-arrange things a bit as far as my posting schedule goes. These changes will start taking effect immediately, but slowly. I am in the middle of a large move and will be unable to access the internet for about a week, but once I'm in my new home I will be more consistent.

Without further adieu, here is the new schedule:

Muse Monday - The idea for Transformation came from combining a couple of dreams that I have. I keep a dream journal, which I refer to regularly to help spark my imagination. These posts will be dedicated to sharing dreams in the hope that they will spark an idea in one of my readers.

It's amazing how someone can hear a quote and interpret it differently, each taking something unique away. These are my dreams, but maybe you will be inspired to create a story off of something captured in my subconscious. I won't be sharing any ideas that I may have from them, just the dreams themselves, because I have to keep a few secrets for myself. ;-)

WIP Wednesday - Pretty self explanatory. I will continue to provide updates about Transformation along with the progress I am making with the other projects I will be starting in a few weeks!

Fresh Look Friday - I am a member of the book review team for which I love, but I have realized I've been missing reading my beautiful stack of Young Adult novels. So, to supplement my Young Adult novels in with the rest of my review material, I will be posting reviews about the books I read purely because I want to read them. These will not be books that I have received from the author for review, they are simply books I have purchased and am dying to read.

I realize I won't be able to post a review every Friday because I need to stay on top of the reviews that I am being asked to do, so my reviews will be about every other week with Cover Lust/Spotlights of my favorite books posts in between. The point of these posts is to introduce you to books so you can step out of your shell and read something new!

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